Software Developer


I earned a Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours), Cybersecurity Stream, with High Distinction, having attained Dean's Honour List every year and awarded the Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement at graduation. I have numerous and diverse skills in computer networking, operating systems, compilers, algorithms and data structures, human-computer interaction, robotics, and cryptography and computer security. Prior to university, I earned an Advanced CAAT Diploma in Mobile Applications Development, attaining Academic Distinction each semester and graduating at the top of my program, as the recipient of the Faculty Award for Academic Excellence. I have experience designing and building desktop, mobile, and web applications, both back and front end. I have worked with many different programming languages and technologies.

My resume is available upon request.

Technical Skills

Programming Languages

  • C
  • C#
  • C++
  • Haskell
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Prolog
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • SQL
  • Smalltalk
  • Swift
  • TypeScript

Libraries and Frameworks

  • Angular
  • Bootstrap
  • Express
  • GeoPandas
  • JavaFX
  • Laravel
  • Material Design
  • Mongoose
  • Pandas
  • Rails

Other Technologies and Languages

  • Android Studio
  • Docker
  • GIMP
  • Git
  • Illustrator
  • JetBrains IDEs
  • LaTeX
  • Linux
  • MariaDB
  • MongoDB
  • Node.js
  • Photoshop
  • QNX Momentics
  • SQLite
  • Sketch
  • Unity
  • Webots
  • Wireshark
  • Xcode

Featured Projects

The Weather

A comprehensive and installable PWA weather application developed utilizing Angular, in conjunction with Open-Meteo, OpenStreetMap, Environment Canada MSC GeoMet, and Nominatim APIs, and open-sourced GoatCounter for analytics. Featuring hourly and weekly weather forecasts with instant metric-imperial conversion and active radar maps, provides a broad spectrum of environmental indices (e.g. UV, air quality, etc.) in real time, presented in a clear and accessible format. All data is cached for offline use, allowing users easy access to their forecast anywhere.

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8 Puzzle

An installable progressive web application 8 puzzle, a.k.a n-puzzle or sliding puzzle, game which can turn any image into a puzzle. Players can get assistance in solving their puzzle with the help of A* search.

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Foxworks is a process tracking, material requirements planning software. Tracking parts from receiving, through their processing stations, to shipping. Written in Typescript utilizing the Angular framework and interacting with the Foxworks API written in PHP using Laravel.

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Spot is a pet finder application for Android and iOS, which enables community users to facilitate successful recovery of lost and stolen pets, using geolocation. Each version is native to its respective operating system, the iOS version is written in Swift and the Android version is written in Java. Both utilize the Spot API which I wrote in PHP using Laravel.

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